To keep you from having sleepless nights, we analyze your financial, fiscal and even your personal situation to develop a sound strategy for you and your company. Our goal is your satisfaction. Helping us reach this goal is our long-term and future-oriented method of operating.
For economics questions, there is no universal answer. That is why at the heart of our work are both the analysis of your current situation and the creation of a long-term economic and fiscal strategy. It is impossible to work together towards a happy ending without knowing the story behind the numbers. To ensure everything adds up, we not only rely on decades of experience, but also on our team of talented individuals.
Kurt Wallnberger as CEO, supported by a team of outstanding colleagues.
To find out if we truly meet this demand, we asked our clients. These are their answers.
“We have been working with Kurt Wallnberger and his team for 20 years. It’s a great feeling to have such a dedicated and professional partner at your side.”
“Kurt Wallnberger is a tax advisor and businessman. That provides him with a unique perspective. As his client, you can focus fully on business matters and let him take care of all the accounting and fiscal matters. Most tax advisors do not think like a businessman, let alone understand how a business operates. Kurt Wallnberger does more than just crunch numbers, he understands how to create value. He is a longtime partner and companion.”
“In Kurt we TRUST. We’ve been saying that for a while now.”
Financial matters require total trust. Therefore, every new client relationship begins with a face-to-face discussion. We look forward to your call or brief email to arrange an appointment.
TRUST Treuhand- und Steuerberatung Gesellschaft mbH
Palais Rohan
Praterstraße 38, 1020 Vienna
Phone +43 1 218 66 24, Fax DW 24
Even for us it is impossible to calculate the exact number of reasons why you should become a client of TRUST. But at least we can list the most important ones here: We see ourselves as a universal service provider for your business figures. To this end, we develop a strategy for each client:in and also for you.
We are specialized in planning and controlling in the field of accounting, taxes and organization for SMEs. In addition to SMEs, we also serve international clients, perform audits, serve and represent private foundations and advise landlords and real estate developers. We are goal-oriented, organized and our performance is far above average. And last but not least: we work 100% digitally - but can still handle paper, should the need arise.
But now we've really talked enough about us. Let's talk about you and how we can help you. The best way to do this is to make an appointment online using this form or directly by calling +43 218 66 24.
As tax accountants, we inevitably deal with numbers a lot. For many people, this may seem like a boring idea - but numbers are definitely exciting and entertaining, as you can also see on this website. Another example: 0815 - a number combination you will never encounter with us.
TRUST Treuhand- und Steuerberatung Gesellschaft mbH
Palais Rohan
Praterstraße 38, 1020 Vienna
Tel +43 1 218 66 24, Fax DW 24
Imprint and legal disclaimer: All content included on this website is protected by copyright, trademark, patent or other proprietary rights, and is therefore intellectual property of TRUST Treuhand- und Steuerberatung Gesellschaft mbh. The media owners are solely responsible for content. Content may not be copied, altered or reused without obtaining written consent. Despite careful examination, no liability shall be assumed for completeness, accuracy or currency of the content. In accordance with the law on e-commerce: TRUST Treuhand- und Steuerberatung Gesellschaft mbh does not assume any liability for the content of external links. Copyright TRUST Treuhand- und Steuerberatung Gesellschaft mbh 2015.
Brand design, text and webdesign: Dvorak trifft Schwab
Images: Julius Hirtzberger
TRUST Treuhand- und Steuerberatung Gesellschaft mbH
Palais Rohan
Praterstraße 38, 1020 Wien
Tel +43 1 218 66 24, Fax DW24
Impressum und Haftungsausschluss: Alle Inhalte dieser Website sind urheberrecht- lich geschützt und damit geistiges Eigentum von TRUST Treuhand- und Steuerbe- ratung Gesellschaft mbh. Für die Inhalte ist der Medieninhaber verantwortlich. Diese dürfen ohne schriftliche Zustimmung nicht kopiert, geändert oder wieder-verwen- det werden. Trotz sorgfältiger Prüfung kann keine Garantie für die Vollständigkeit, Richtigkeit und Aktualität der Inhalte übernommen werden. Hinweis laut E-com- merce Gesetz: TRUST Treuhand- und Steuerberatung Gesellschaft mbh übernimmt keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Copyright TRUST Treuhand- und Steuerberatung Gesellschaft mbh 2022.
Markengestaltung, Text und Webdesign: Dvorak trifft Schwab
Fotos: Julius Hirtzberger
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